Tony's journey to better health and social wellbeing

Tony is a sociable man who has lived in our Independent Living for Older People (ILOPs) scheme since 2012. His journey has been marked by a transformation in his health and social life.

Tony's mobility had been a challenge, but living in the ILOPs scheme has significantly improved his situation. “I'm 80 years young and still full of life!” he says. “I feel better than ever, and I attribute it to living here.”

The community at Spire View in Grantham has provided Tony with a sense of belonging. “As a former lollipop man, I love chatting with people,” he says. “Living alone can be isolating, but here we gather for coffee, conversations, and even weekly bingo.”

After losing his wife in 2012, Tony moved to the ILOPs scheme. He sought a smaller, more manageable home with companionship. His ground-floor flat offers him both privacy and access to all his local interests. He continues to preach at the local church and support his beloved Grantham Town FC, 'The Gingerbreads.'

“My sons and granddaughters live nearby and visit regularly,” Tony adds. “Living here gives everyone peace of mind. I feel supported and secure.”

Tony's decision to move to the ILOPs scheme has been transformative. It has enabled him to maintain his mobility, connect with others, and live a fulfilling life. “This was the best move I've ever made,” he concludes. “I'm happy, healthy, and surrounded by a supportive community.”

If you or a family member are interested in finding out more about our ILOPs we would encourage you to come and visit us to find out more. Search our homes to rent for current vacancies.